
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

30 Songs in 30 Days, Day 5: A Song That Reminds You of Someone

Song: "Our House"
Writer: Graham Nash
Band: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Album: Déjà Vu

I share this story with full permission of its main character.

When My Wife was pregnant, she was for a time, shall we say, ultra-emotional. She stood no chance against mushy commercials and the like. One day, we were watching a documentary about Joni Mitchell. Home-movie footage of Graham Nash came on the screen with a certain song playing in accompaniment. I looked over at My Wife and she was balling! "Graham Nash makes you cry?!!" I asked incredulously, practically ready to jump through the screen and have it out with the man. I'm not pugnacious at all but I do not take kindly to anyone who makes My Wife cry!

It is a very sweet song, the world's greatest tribute to domestic bliss. Nash wrote it for Ms. Mitchell - overall, his superior as a songwriter - when they were living together. It was clear from his interview that he still has very fond feelings for her. I've found this to be the case with nearly everyone who ever had a romantic involvement with her.


I hope you'll join us for the "30 Songs in 30 Days" challenge, inspired by the tumblr list. Our 30 Songs roster:

Stay on target...
Marc Whitman's Blog
Haley says "Hello" To You

It's never too late to post your own. Tomorrow is...

Day 6: A Song That Reminds You of Somewhere


  1. Kind of sweet we all chose our wives today.

    Haley is a day behind but will get on track tomorrow.....

  2. a very fine begin day.... thank you....

  3. Bummer, video broken! But that's okay, I still love the song. And that's so sweet about Joni Mitchell...

    1. I love Joni Mitchell. I regret neglecting her work in this collection. Another time...
