
Friday, April 12, 2013

A Comic Book Scavenger Hunt, A-Z: King Conan

Title: King Conan
Issue: #2
Release: February 2012
Writer: Timothy Truman
Artist: Tomas Giorello
Store: Earth Prime Comics (Burlington, Vermont)

Image via Comic Book DB
I am completely new to the Conan universe.  I never even saw the old Arnold Schwarzenegger films.  The character has been around for quite a long time, first introduced in 1932 by Robert E. Howard in the pulp fiction magazine Weird TalesConan comics were first published in 1970 by Marvel.  The license is now owned by Dark Horse.

This issue is entitled "A Gathering of Vultures," part 2 of 4 in The Phoenix on the Sword.  "The Phoenix on the Sword" was one of the original stories written by Howard back in '32. 

Any interest in joining a bloggers' book club?  Please visit my link here.

My scavenger hunt was pretty straight-forward: find single-issue comic books off the rack with titles starting from A-Z.  Go check out the rest of the participants in this year's A-Z challenge.  The official site is here.


  1. I didn't know that Dark Horse has the license now.
    I think I have Marvel's Conan #1 somewhere.

    1. Both IDW and Dark Horse seem to have been very smart about gobbling up all of the old Marvel licenses: Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Transformers... It's not a bad business model.

    2. And G. I. Joe. IDW has them, too, right?

    3. Yes, sir - allowing for the same Transformer/GI Joe crossovers that were important to both series during their Marvel tenure as well.

  2. Now this is more my speed! :-) R. E. Howard purists will tell you that the 1982 Arnie movie was a total bastardization, but I love it. (Don't bother with the sequel, though.)

    Howard's original Conan stories are skirting around the public domain by now and can be found in various places on the web. They may enter my book-club queue at some point...

    1. I was hoping I'd turn up at least one devotee!

    2. Conan needs a makeover as far as movies go. He's been treated pretty poorly by Hollywood.

    3. "Legend of Conan" - set for release in 2014. Arnold is signed on. That's all I know.

  3. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. But still not as awesome as Ralph Moeller.

    1. I admit, I had to Google Ralph Moeller to get the joke. Now I understand!

  4. Replies
    1. Hello, Bob! It's great to meet you. Thank you for stopping by.

  5. My cousin Lee has a love of Conan...and I think a letter from Howard, as well as a piece of Marvel era Conan art...

    1. Then he's sure to like tomorrow's post, too... (spoilers!)
