
Friday, August 7, 2015

Mock Squid Soup: August Trivia Teaser

Today, for this month's edition of Mock Squid Soup, all society members are invited to post three hints about their film choice for the month.  All are welcome to guess, of course.  I had great difficulty with my clues this time.  It's hard to be coy enough to provide a challenge but leading enough to give you all a chance.  If you've seen my movie, you'll get it.  If you haven't, probably not.  Here are the three clues:

- He says, "I love you."  She says, "I know."  But it's not the one you think.  No Wookiees in this movie.

- A huge variety of music courses through this film.  The most important tributaries are the rivers Beethoven, Gershwin and Lennon.

- One character has hair like the sunset.

Any guesses?  Society reviews will be posted next Friday, August 14th.  See you then.  Meanwhile, please visit my fellow cinephiles today:


  1. When Princess Leia finally professes her love for Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back, his scripted reply was “I love you, too.” Instead, Harrison Ford says, “I know.” Which is the reverse of your clue. And there were Wookiees. Gershwin? Stumped already, but still in the game. I'll have you know I once did the Friday NYT crossword in INK. Will keep trying.

    1. Well sure, but have you tried doing it in disappearing ink? That would be daring!


      Oh yeah? Well, I've done the Op-Ed page in water colors!

  2. No clue whatsoever. So did Lucas steal that line from your movie?

    1. No, more likely they lifted it from him, though probably not deliberately.

  3. I've seen this line reversed so many times, and in books too. I have no clue what this is...BTW-I just posted. Totally forgot. He he.

  4. There is a bit of vague electricity stirring in my brain...for some reason, I wanted to say Yellow Submarine, but I really don't have a clue.

    1. No, but that is a family favorite and we haven't watched in a while...

  5. You always stump me but I thought I had it with "Star Wars". Maybe the "The Westing Game"?

  6. I feel like this would be a Woody Allen film but just guessing

  7. We think we have it! Does it resonate with you due to the lead character's profession?

    1. You guys are good...

      I saw this a few years before I settled into a "career" and I think I'd enjoy it anyway. But... yes.

  8. I've no idea, complete guess. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. But what a fun game!

  9. Sorry, I have the movie but between the fire and just life getting in the way I have to pass on today. If I get a chance I will post on Sunday.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. opps the only movies I can think or that had Beatles music are
      Across the Universe and Love Actually

    2. Be safe, parsnip. We'll look forward to your post when you have the time.

      Nice guesses on the movie, but no.

  10. Everytime I think I have it, it slips from my gray cells.

    1. Rest easy, Poirot. Jessica solved the mystery. (I think the Mocks had an inkling, though.)

  11. I haven't seen that movie. It's on my watch list, though. I don't think I would've guessed correctly.

  12. I saw it was guessed- but that was actually going to be my guess. I didn't know at first, but the 2nd two clues steered me in the right direction. I haven't seen that movie in ages. Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

    1. I doubt anyone would have gotten it from the first guess. I would guess the third is the clincher for anyone who has seen it.
