
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Clone Wars: Citadel Rescue

My friends and I are watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars.  Every Tuesday, we will be featuring an episode from the series which began in 2008 (as opposed to the one that started in 2003).  All are welcome to join us for all or parts of the fun.

Episode: "Citadel Rescue"
Series: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Season 3, Episode 20
Original Air Date: March 11, 2011
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The Citadel story arc comes to its conclusion.  Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and their accompanying clone troopers are struggling to get Jedi Master Even Piell and Captain Tarkin out of the Citadel, a high security prison.  Unfortunately, the ship the rescue party came on has been destroyed.  Plo Koon is leading a task force through Separatist defenses in order to evacuate them.  This culminating episode of the arc wasn't quite as compelling as the first two for me but the budding friendship between Anakin and Tarkin continues to intrigue.
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Jedi Master Adi Gallia appears in "Citadel Rescue" as a member of the Jedi Council.  She made her first appearance in The Phantom Menace, played by model Gin Clarke.  Gallia is a Tholothian and her headdress with the long, fleshy tendrils is traditionally worn by Tholothian women.  In The Clone Wars, Gallia is voiced by Angelique Perrin.

If you would care to join us for all or part of our travels, sign on to the list below.  Please visit the other participants today.  Next week: "Padawan Lost."



  1. I'm now also wondering why they didn't just lead a full scale attack against the Citadel. Unless they were worried that the Separatists would just kill Piell if they came under that kind of attack. Did they talk about that back in the first episode? I can't remember...

    1. I don't remember either. That would certainly have made for a less interesting story. For starters, they'd have had no excuse at all for the carbon freezing bit.

  2. I'm glad the friendship was a strong quality. Sometimes I find some episodes of a show tepid, but there's usually something that makes me want to continue watching.

    1. Well... the friendship doesn't work out so well for the rest of the galaxy.
