
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Squid Mixes: Whiskey Fix

In Imbibe!, David Wondrich describes a fix as a "short punch," simply a smaller version of the full glass.  I drew from two separate books for my mixture, the generalities from Imbibe! and a few specifics from The New York Bartender's Guide (NYBG).  Wondrich's recipe, originally from Jerry Thomas (1862), indicates sugar, lemon, water and spirits with in-season fruit to garnish.  The "spirits" can be brandy, gin, Santa Cruz rum or whiskey.  Wondrich recommends "plain old domestic whiskey," still not particularly helpful in a country of considerable variety in this product.  NYBG specifies blended whiskey.  The only bottle in our cabinet was Crown Royal - not exactly domestic, though Canada is considerably closer to me than Kentucky or Tennessee.  Okay, admittedly CR is distilled in Manitoba - not close at all.  Still, it's in the cabinet.  It will do.

NYBG is also more specific with the garnish.  Orange twist.  Thank you.

Nice drink.


  1. This sounds tasty. I like the orange twist. :)

  2. Happy New year! I hope your Christmas went well(I was sick). I am not a whiskey fan but every Canadian loves their Crown Royal which, I am told, is an excellent whiskey

    1. Sorry to hear of your illness! I trust you're better now.

      Crown Royal is lovely. I would like to try more of their product line, in fact.

  3. . . . and miss pretty inches closer !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. She's a more reluctant model these days - yet more likely to sit still than her older sister.

  4. I think my drink "to try" drink list is beginning to rival my stack of books I need to read.

  5. Ooh, this sounds yummy. I may have to order it next time I'm out.

    1. I have yet to try one of these older drinks on a professional bartender. That could be an interesting experience.

  6. There nothing quite like some smirnoff with that sweet twist of lemon and ice but hey yours will do nicely.

    1. Vodka and lemon sounds lovely. Try adding a splash of sweet vermouth.
