
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Squid Eats: Bluebonnet Diner

Unlike last week's featured establishment, Northampton's Bluebonnet is what I think of as a "real" diner.  The clientele is older - but simultaneously younger including more families with kids.  The vibe is homier, less hippyish than NoHo's Main Street.  Generally, I love the more progressive atmosphere. It is, in fact, a big part of why our child ended up in this part of the world.  However, when it comes to diner food, old school is the way to go.

The front room is an old diner car.  I only recently learned that our whole concept of "diners" comes from the railroad industry.  I just assumed using old train cars was an atmosphere choice.  But no, it's the transplanting of an entire process of food preparation and service.  I realize, I should have put it all together on my own.  Alas, I did not.  The Bluebonnet, named for a train, takes this concept even further.  There's a steam engine on the logo and trains comprise the decorating scheme for the entire restaurant: posters on the wall and a toy train track going around the room where we were seated.  The Bluebonnet is only about a block or so from the real railroad track.

I ordered the waffles with chicken tenders, more a soul food standard than what one would expect in a typical diner.  Still, I love it.  The tenders were fine.  The waffles were a little on the salty side, interestingly.  I'd be interested to know what oil they use to clean their iron.  Even so, it was a satisfying breakfast.  I got to try some of my wife's kielbasa - also good.  While I'm not so sure about Jake's, I'll definitely want to go back to Bluebonnet - lots of appealing lunch options, too.


  1. Waffles and Chicken were big in Savannah. I never understood the appeal, but it did taste okay.

    1. I love it! I recently learned (I've been learning a lot about the restaurant business) that the dish wasn't invented in the south at all but at a soul food restaurant in Harlem.

  2. I have never had waffles and chicken- though I know it is popular. Interesting that the waffles were salty- but glad they still tasted good. :)

    1. Yeah, I don't know what was up with that. It wasn't a deal breaker, though.
