
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Squid Mixes: Silver King Cocktail

A Silver King Cocktail combines gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup, egg white and Angostura bitters.  I got my recipe from The New York Bartender's Guide.  It's not as sweet as some of the other egg white drinks we've tried - pleasant change of pace.  The bitters - just a dash - brings a welcome bite of spice, too.


  1. Hello!
    I've never had this kind of drink with eggs! Sounds refreshing! Thanks for sharing it with us!

    1. Drinks with egg are very popular in restaurants these days.

  2. I'd give this a try. Where does one find the Angostura bitters? I have heard about it often but don't even know what it is

    1. So, things are always subtly different in Canadian grocery stores but my local market keeps it in stock. They have a special cocktail supplies section, even though they don't sell any booze (can't in Vermont grocery stores). Any decent liquor store should have it.

      Bitters are highly concentrated flavor agents. A few drops go a long way. Their origins date back to old apothecary cabinets. Angostura is produced in Trinidad. It was invented by a German surgeon for Bolivar's army to treat digestive ailments.
