
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Squid Mixes: Moscow Mule

Ginger is a big deal at our house.  My wife and daughter feel about ginger the way I feel about garlic, which is to say that putting it in anything is always the right choice.  So, a suggestion to buy ginger beer tends to be well received.
The Moscow Mule is the most popular of the buck family of drinks.  My recipe came from The New York Bartender's Guide.  It mixes ginger beer with vodka, plus a bit of lime juice.  Regular visitors may recall that last year, my wife and I explored scotch whiskey as part of our Advent celebration.  This year, we are exploring locally-made Vermont spirits.  I made the mules with Smugglers' Notch Distillery vodka, perfectly serviceable.  Vodka is not the world's most satisfying choice for mixed drinks as its own flavor disappears - by design, of course.  If you really like the mixer, though, as we do, it works just fine.
The two other local spirits we've tried so far are Barr Hill Gin and Mad River First Run Rum.  The gin is a bit unusual for the fact that it is made with honey in addition to the usual juniper berries.  It made for an interesting gin and tonic.  I'm not sure I like it exactly but it's fun for something different.  The rum is nice.  Overall, the local spirits haven't been over-the-top wonderful but they serve their purpose just fine.


  1. Did I mention that one of the liquors we made is ginger?
    It's tasty!

  2. Sprisked drinks always have that extra bite and sure its Christmas, time to party dude! Merry Christmas Squid

  3. Sounds very good.
    Years ago our favorite Japanese/Korean Restaurants had some ginger liquor that they made mixed drinks with. One of the drink was nice but very mild the second we ate sushi and then had the drink it changed the whole taste. It was wonderful.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. I'm about to stock up on ginger for our festive home brewing! And make a ginger soda for a mixer.
    Gin made with honey is interesting, I'm not a sweet tooth but I like the flavours of honey, except eucalyptus.

    1. Home brew! I made my own root beer earlier this year. If I ever get back to sodas, ginger ale will be next.

      Happy holidays, Lisa!

  5. Replies
    1. If you haven't tried it yet, a lime/almond combination is dazzlingly wonderful.
