
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Squid Mixes: Shark Attack

Yup.  Next time, a shorter glass.

A shark attack was a great way to use up some of the lemonade from last week's drink (see here).  I got the recipe from The New York Bartender's Guide: vodka, lemonade and grenadine.  The recipe indicates stirring after pouring everything in the glass.  However, if I should ever make it again, I prefer the theatrical effect of the grenadine unstirred - wish I'd taken a picture.

I rather doubt I will make it again, though.  Wife's review: a little too cough syrupy. 


  1. Maybe if I was a fan of lemonade it would sound more interesting.

  2. I like lemonade- but it sounds like this one wasn't a huge hit with you and your wife. Good that you were able to use up the lemonade from the last recipe. I bet the grenadine looked cool when it was mixing in naturally. :)

    1. And more like a shark attack, or the aftermath thereof.

      I so regret not taking a photo. Thought of it. Didn't. Almost worth making the drink again, but not quite. Such is life.

  3. oooooooooo just like when I put some cream into my iced coffee it billow as it lands on the bottom of the glass.
    I love Lemonade and Limeade.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. yes, your glass bigger than
    grenadine is cool....

    1. It reliable turns everything pink, that's for sure.
