Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Squid Mixes: Submarino

A submarino combines tequila and beer.  Just as with the boilermaker, you fill a shot glass with tequila, then drop it into the beer glass.  I got the recipe from The New York Bartender's Guide.

While whiskey can make beer -  especially a lager - better, tequila definitely makes it worse.  I'm glad to have tried it but I won't be having it again anytime soon.

Bitters of the Month

We tried the plum bitters as a substitute for Angostura in a Manhattan.  There was a mere hint of something different in the aftertaste and in the aroma.  Basically, I think it would do in a pinch but isn't really worth keeping in the regular rotation. 


  1. I guess I'm going to have to try these weird drop drinks at some time. I just don't quite get it, though.

    I haven't tried anything new in a few weeks. I've been on my Hondo cocktails. But I suppose I should get back to exploring and experimenting.

    1. I'll be honest, for me it was a good way to work through some otherwise uninteresting beer. I'm not a big fan of lagers, pilsners and the like. Whiskey improved the flavor. Tequila did not.

  2. I don't think I'll try this. I don't like beers.

  3. Does the shot glass ever hit you in the nose ? So funny Son was drinking tequila today. it is bad stuff the hangovers are wicked. So I have been told.

    1. Ha! With the particular angle, I'd worry more about chipping a tooth.

      Someday, I will explore tequila more. It is a substance with which I associate particularly poor choices in my youth. But I'm a more sophisticated drinker now.

      This combo, however, will not play a role in the exploration.

  4. Submarino is a very cool name though.

  5. On your recommendation, I won't be ruining any tequila!
