Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Cephalopod Coffeehouse: November 2016 Blog List

Greetings to all!  I hope you'll join us for the next installment of the Cephalopod Coffeehouse, an online gathering of bloggers who love books.  The next meeting is set for Friday, November 25th.  If you're interested, please sign on to the link list at the end of this post.

The idea is simple: on the last Friday of each month, post about the best book you've finished over the past month while visiting other bloggers doing the same.  In this way, we'll all have the opportunity to share our thoughts with other enthusiastic readers.  Please join us:

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  1. I am ashamed to admit that I did not read any books this month...

    1. Gasp... ;)

      This fall, it has definitely been more of an effort than usual to make sure I have at least one finished each month. This coming month will be the real test. Thank goodness for Thanksgiving break!

  2. Well, I have only read two books in October and really should write reviews on both, but let me see if I can get around to it!

  3. I confess my star trekking across the universe has been one of self indulgence lately, except I think its the lure of the internet age which is spoiling me. I look over at my trekkie library of novels and realise its been a while, I mustn't let myself get lazy watching trek.

    1. I have not yet read any of the novels. I would love it if you'd share your reviews.
