Wednesday, July 31, 2024

On the Coffee Table: Manga Yokai Stories

Title: Manga Yokai Stories: Ghostly Tales from Japan
Original Author: Lafcadio Hearn
Adapted for manga by: Sean Michael Wilson
Artist: Inko Ai Takita

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In the early twentieth century, Irish-Greek writer Lafcadio Hearn compiled and translated Japanese folk tales for an English-language readership, an important development in conveying Japanese culture to the West.  Hearn favored yokai tales, essentially ghost stories.  Sean Michael Wilson and Inko Ai Takita have adapted several from his collection to manga form.

Death is a taboo subject in Japanese culture.  The worst swears and insults refer to death in much the way they pertain to bodily functions in the Anglo world.  So even though I'm not into horror stories per se, I appreciate these for the perspective on Japanese views of death.  Themes include guilt, obsession and lust.  The most vengeful ghosts are the ones who were dishonored in life - not so different from Western tropes.  

The real treat is Inko Ai Takita's stunning artwork:

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I would love to be able to read the stories in the original Japanese.  I always wonder what is lost in translation.  Alas, I have not the skills.  I guess adaptations will have to do.