Tuesday, September 10, 2024

On the Road: Junior Year Drop Off

Our child has just begun their third year of college.  The adventure sure goes a lot faster from the parental perspective.  I can't believe we're already halfway through.

Northampton, Massachusetts is a charming city, well worth a stop whether you're a student or not.  It's female-forward in a way most places are not.  Smith College, an all-women's college since it opened in 1875, likely has a lot to do with that.  Northampton also has a strong reputation as one of the most queer-friendly communities in the United States.

The biggest tourist attraction is the beautiful campus itself.  I'm confident Smith clinches the deal with many prospective students in this exact spot.

Smith's is an especially appealing campus for tree and plant enthusiasts with numerous gorgeous specimens both outside

and in at the Botanic Garden

When I think of Northampton, this is the image that comes most readily to my mind's eye:

The view down Pleasant Street from our room at Hotel Northampton:

Strong Avenue on Labor Day morning:

This is Booky, my own childhood teddy bear:

He's been all over the world with me - Europe, Japan, etc.  He'd been in one house for too long so I sent him with the kid to college.  As you can see, he's made friends.


  1. When I see Smith, I think of Sylvia Plath. She was so proud to be a Smith girl. It's a good thing Booky made new friends. I wouldn't want him to be lonely. I hope your student has a good junior year. I'm sure Smith is an excellent school.


    1. The Botanic Garden had an exhibition on Plath last year. A bell jar is, after all, the historical precursor to greenhouses.

  2. As imagens publicadas não deixam dúvidas quanto à beleza da natureza.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

  3. It appears to be a lovely town. I don't know much about Smith except it's one of the 7 Sister Colleges.

  4. Replies
    1. On one of our campus tours, people literally gasped when they saw that view. It's quite something.

    2. Now imagine it at peak foliage. When I was 14, tagging along on my sister's college visits, the Smith campus and, most spectacularly, that pond were my introduction to autumn in New England.
