Friday, September 6, 2024

Star Trek: The Die Is Cast

Episode: "The Die Is Cast"
Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Season 3, Episode 21
Original Air Date: May 1, 1995

Garak episode!

"The Die Is Cast" is a continuation of the previous week's episode, "Improbable Cause."  A quick catch up... the last installment ended with Odo and Garak finding Enabran Tain, the former leader of the Obsidian Order and thus Garak's former boss.  Tain is plotting with the Romulans to attack the Founders' home world, a preemptive first strike against the Dominion.  Garak eagerly re-aligns himself with Tain.  Odo is essentially left a prisoner.

Now the real fun begins.  The gang back on the station is surprised when fleets of Romulan and Cardassian ships turn up on their doorstep, clearly expecting an attack from the Dominion.  Our friends ignore Starfleet orders and head off in the Defiant to try to rescue Odo, unfortunately not knowing at all where he is (though they sure make a lucky guess).  Meanwhile, Tain orders Garak to interrogate Odo in hopes he knows if the Founders have any as yet unknown defense systems.  Things get ugly for our good constable.  All comes to a climax as Tain and company launch their attack.

I'm more comfortable putting this second part among DS9's elite episodes.  So many important dimensions are explored: the conflicted loyalties of both Odo and Garak, tantalizing hints (always just short of revelations) about Garak's past, the opening moves of the chess match between the Dominion and the Alpha Quadrant powers and on and on.  

The compelling thread driving it all is the fascinating relationship developing between Odo and Garak, DS9's two best characters, arguably performed by the two most gifted actors in the cast.  The constable strives for truth and clarity whereas the tailor constantly dances away from both.  Yet Garak is not wrong when he states the two are alike.  Both are motivated by loyalty and justice, even if they might define those ideals in different terms.  The writing is stellar, of course, and some of the camera shot choices are inspired.  But the real magic comes from the actors themselves.

Acting Notes

Leland Orser plays the role of Lovok, the Romulan Colonel in command of the warbird that leads the attack on the Founders' world.  Orser was born in San Francisco, August 6, 1960.  He graduated from Connecticut College, then trained at the Drama Studio London.

Films include Seven (in a particularly chilling role as a man recruited to kill a prostitute against his will), The Bone Collector and the Taken film series.  He had a recurring role on ER with 62 appearances as Dr. Lucien Dubenko.  He made guest appearances on The Golden Girls, Cheers and The X-Files among others.  He wrote and directed the film Morning, released in 2010.  "The Die Is Cast" is his first of three Star Trek appearances.


  1. Deep Space Nine has a phenomenal cast and you're right that t the real magic comes from the actors themselves. Leland Orser is an underrated actor. I was listening to a podcast about Alien: Resurrection and they talked about his role as the doomed colonist. A small but really great part. Way to go making such an important review, and you have yourself a wonderful rest of the day Armchair

    1. Thanks, Maurice!

      I don't really know the Alien franchise at all. When scifi bends towards horror, it's not for me.
