Friday, April 26, 2013

A Comic Book Scavenger Hunt, A-Z: The Waking

Title: The Waking
Issue: #1
Release: February 2010
Writer: Raven Gregory
Artist: Vic Drujinio
Store: Earth Prime Comics (Burlington, Vermont)
Image via ComicImpact

If it's not vampires these days, it's zombies.  The Waking is published by Zenescope, a company which seems to specialize in what my new friend Tony Lamplume describes as cheesecakey comics.  Issue #1 actually doesn't include much in the way of zombies but sets up the back story for the apocalypse to come.  Four police detectives investigate two separate murders.  The issue's final panel suggests that the real trouble is only just beginning.

Any interest in joining a bloggers' book club?  Please visit my link here.

My scavenger hunt was pretty straight-forward: find comic books off the rack with titles starting from A-Z.  Go check out the rest of the participants in this year's A-Z challenge.  The official site is here.


  1. Is there a pic issue? Can't load it on my end....

  2. I had to Google it, but it's a beautiful comic!

  3. My sister is obsessed with Charmed. Zenescope recently concluded a Charmed comic book series. The awkward part of sharing it with my sister was all the cheesecakey ads for the company's other comics.

    1. They offer no illusions as to the angle they're playing, either.

  4. Will have to check it out. I love the 'cheesecake' term applied!

    1. I had to Google it when Tony first used it - a very specific meaning and I really can't think of a better word for it.

  5. I love that sense that the trouble is only just beginning, when you are first getting introduced to a new series :)

    I have only just realised that you have a link to a blogger's book club. Going to check it out at last :)

    1. A slow build is really nice if executed well - same goes for music.
