Saturday, August 24, 2024

State of the Blog 2024

Blogging Year 16, here we go!  Looking back at last year's State of the Blog, I'm pleased to report that sophomore year of college did, indeed, go a lot more smoothly for our child than the first year did.  Life is never exactly stress-free for any of us but their finding better balance helped my wife and I to do the same.  Here's hoping junior year is even better.

I don't have any big changes planned for the coming blogging year.  The schedule will be the same...

Tuesdays: Family Adventures
Fridays: Star Trek
Occasional book posts

Family Adventures will still likely be food-dominated, though I'd like to write more about our travels, too.  We don't take too many big trips these days, mostly weekend excursions plus visits to friends and family.  But you never know.

For Star Trek, it's onward with both Deep Space Nine and Voyager.  I should be well into Season 4 for the former and Season 2 for the latter by this time next year.

I am eternally grateful to those of you who stop by to read and engage.  As always, if any of you enjoys reading The Squid half as much as I enjoy writing it, we're all doing fine.  


  1. Congratulations on 16 years! It's great that your college student is doing well.


  2. Congratulations. Your blog is old enough to get a driver's license. I have blogged since 2024, so it'll be 20 years, but have switched platforms a few times.

    1. The medium has changed a lot. I think podcasts have taken over most of the consumer space that blogs used to enjoy. I don't get the traffic I used to (nor do I work at that they way I once did) but I still enjoy it.

      And I'm certainly grateful when you stop by, Jeff.
