Friday, September 13, 2024

Star Trek: Faces

Episode: "Faces"
Series: Star Trek: Voyager
Season 1, Episode 14
Original Air Date: May 8, 1995

via Wikipedia

Torres, Paris and Lt. Durst are all captured by Vidiians, the organ-harvesting species we first met in "Phage."  As if that weren't trouble enough, B'Elanna has been split into two beings: one representing her Klingon side, the other her human side.  Can the rest of the Voyager crew rescue them and return Torres to "normal?"

We have important matters to discuss.

On the surface, "Faces" is certainly a compelling story.  The prison escape narrative is fine.  The Torres character exploration is meaningful, for both the audience and the actor.  But this latter tale reveals deeper issues - with the character, with Star Trek, indeed with the typical attitudes of white America in the 1990s and beyond.  For all of Trek's tolerance preaching, the franchise is not immune to falling in the same racial pitfalls everyone else does.  It's something I've danced around with Star Trek for a while.  It's time to take a deeper dive.

Before I dig in, I must acknowledge that I am a middle-aged white man.  While it's essential I confront racial issues - racism is a white problem, not a POC problem - it's also important to share the perspectives of people of color.  To that end, I highly recommend two articles:

In particular, let's examine Star Trek's portrayal of biracial characters, a central element of the saga from the beginning.  It all starts with Spock, half-Vulcan, half-human.  As Haruch discusses in his article, Spock is the main principal through whom we explore the concept of otherness.  Uhura and Sulu are both significant for racial representation but the writers devote zero material to the experiences of either as an African or an Asian among what is still predominantly a white crew.  With Spock on the other hand, we often see prejudices laid plain, even with Kirk and McCoy who are meant to be his friends.  

The duality of Spock's racial identity - feeling simultaneously both and neither - is certainly something many biracial people in the real world wrestle with every day.  So, too, the desire to suppress one identity in favor of the other depending on the circumstances is very real for some.  Indeed, Star Trek probably deserves a lot of credit for exploring such a taboo issue.  In 1966, when the show began, interracial marriage was still illegal in much of the United States.  So Trek is firmly on the correct side of history, right?

To a point.

B'Elanna Torres is a problematic character and "Faces" provides an excellent demonstration of why.  She loathes her Klingon side.  At several different points in the story, she makes clear she wants to be rid of it.  Throughout, the Klingon Torres is violent, impulsive, manipulative, animalistic.  The human Torres is, while scared and submissive, also smart and level-headed.  For each, the counterpart is seen as a burden.  Clearly, we are meant to sympathize with her human half and the death of the Klingon half feels like more than just long-term narrative convenience.  

In the end, the Doctor restores Torres to the way she was, both human and Klingon DNA intact, not because she wants it - she clearly doesn't - but because it's necessary to keep her alive.

In the article linked above, Maestro examines Torres as a literary archetype known as the "tragic mulatto," first established by abolitionist Lydia Maria Child in two short stories she wrote in the 1840s.  Maestro updates the term as "tragic hybrid."  According to Maestro, tragic hybrid characters are "usually women, and tend to be troubled, outcast, unlucky, lonely, perverse, and often die untimely or suicidal deaths."  That sounds an awful lot like B'Elanna.  

Now back to Spock.  True, he is proud of his Vulcan identity, even favoring it over his human side.  However, it's equally clear that everyone else on the ship would prefer him to be more human.  Even in Kirk's touching eulogy for his friend in Wrath of Khan, he describes Spock as the "most human" soul he has ever encountered.  This is intended as the highest compliment from Kirk, from Starfleet, from the franchise, from the audience.  

Unfortunately, this is the message we see in Star Trek rather often.  Differences are all well and good but it really would be better if you were more like us.  It was the message with Spock, with Data, with Worf and many other characters and species.  If you don't think that paralleled racial attitudes in the time these shows were made, you're kidding yourself.

I graduated from college in May 1995.  I remember the typical white perspective.  Diversity is fine - even wonderful, often fetishized (which is not the same as acceptance).  But assimilation is better.  Of course, that's awfully tricky when physical differences are obvious.  But that's on you.  Try harder.  Be whiter than white people.  Be better than us.  Because anything else isn't good enough.  

And things haven't changed much since.

Does everyone feel that way?  Of course not - at least not consciously.  Indeed, many are horrified if and when their own unconscious racism is pointed out to them.  

Is it fair to expect Star Trek, a mere TV show, to be better than the rest of society?  You're damn right, it is.  They took on the challenge themselves in 1966.  The entire premise is predicated upon a better, more tolerant future.  If we as the audience believe in that future, we have to hold both the creators and ourselves accountable to it.  

Food Notes

On a lighter note, the first act begins with Neelix serving a bowl of plomeek soup to Tuvok in the mess hall.  Neelix intends to research home world comfort meals for every member of the crew.  It's a worthy goal, though Tuvok is unimpressed by his creation.  Evidently, plomeek soup is meant to be bland and Neelix's version is quite spicy.  I expect I would prefer Neelix's version.

via Memory Alpha

Plomeek soup first appeared in the original series episode "Amok Time."  Predictably, there are numerous recipes online.

Acting Notes

via Supernatural Wiki

Rob LaBelle plays a Talaxian prisoner who helps our friends to escape.  It's fun, at this point in the season, to see a Talaxian other than Neelix.  This is his first of three Star Trek appearances.  LaBelle was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 2, 1962.  He had a principal cast role on First Wave.  Films include Wes Craven's New Nightmare, Jack Frost and Watchmen.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

On the Road: Junior Year Drop Off

Our child has just begun their third year of college.  The adventure sure goes a lot faster from the parental perspective.  I can't believe we're already halfway through.

Northampton, Massachusetts is a charming city, well worth a stop whether you're a student or not.  It's female-forward in a way most places are not.  Smith College, an all-women's college since it opened in 1875, likely has a lot to do with that.  Northampton also has a strong reputation as one of the most queer-friendly communities in the United States.

The biggest tourist attraction is the beautiful campus itself.  I'm confident Smith clinches the deal with many prospective students in this exact spot.

Smith's is an especially appealing campus for tree and plant enthusiasts with numerous gorgeous specimens both outside

and in at the Botanic Garden

When I think of Northampton, this is the image that comes most readily to my mind's eye:

The view down Pleasant Street from our room at Hotel Northampton:

Strong Avenue on Labor Day morning:

This is Booky, my own childhood teddy bear:

He's been all over the world with me - Europe, Japan, etc.  He'd been in one house for too long so I sent him with the kid to college.  As you can see, he's made friends.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Star Trek: The Die Is Cast

Episode: "The Die Is Cast"
Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Season 3, Episode 21
Original Air Date: May 1, 1995

Garak episode!

"The Die Is Cast" is a continuation of the previous week's episode, "Improbable Cause."  A quick catch up... the last installment ended with Odo and Garak finding Enabran Tain, the former leader of the Obsidian Order and thus Garak's former boss.  Tain is plotting with the Romulans to attack the Founders' home world, a preemptive first strike against the Dominion.  Garak eagerly re-aligns himself with Tain.  Odo is essentially left a prisoner.

Now the real fun begins.  The gang back on the station is surprised when fleets of Romulan and Cardassian ships turn up on their doorstep, clearly expecting an attack from the Dominion.  Our friends ignore Starfleet orders and head off in the Defiant to try to rescue Odo, unfortunately not knowing at all where he is (though they sure make a lucky guess).  Meanwhile, Tain orders Garak to interrogate Odo in hopes he knows if the Founders have any as yet unknown defense systems.  Things get ugly for our good constable.  All comes to a climax as Tain and company launch their attack.

I'm more comfortable putting this second part among DS9's elite episodes.  So many important dimensions are explored: the conflicted loyalties of both Odo and Garak, tantalizing hints (always just short of revelations) about Garak's past, the opening moves of the chess match between the Dominion and the Alpha Quadrant powers and on and on.  

The compelling thread driving it all is the fascinating relationship developing between Odo and Garak, DS9's two best characters, arguably performed by the two most gifted actors in the cast.  The constable strives for truth and clarity whereas the tailor constantly dances away from both.  Yet Garak is not wrong when he states the two are alike.  Both are motivated by loyalty and justice, even if they might define those ideals in different terms.  The writing is stellar, of course, and some of the camera shot choices are inspired.  But the real magic comes from the actors themselves.

Acting Notes

Leland Orser plays the role of Lovok, the Romulan Colonel in command of the warbird that leads the attack on the Founders' world.  Orser was born in San Francisco, August 6, 1960.  He graduated from Connecticut College, then trained at the Drama Studio London.

Films include Seven (in a particularly chilling role as a man recruited to kill a prostitute against his will), The Bone Collector and the Taken film series.  He had a recurring role on ER with 62 appearances as Dr. Lucien Dubenko.  He made guest appearances on The Golden Girls, Cheers and The X-Files among others.  He wrote and directed the film Morning, released in 2010.  "The Die Is Cast" is his first of three Star Trek appearances.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

On the Road: Westchester County

Our reasons for visiting Westchester County in New York were twofold.  First and most enjoyably, we got to see Commish and Wild Turkey.  They are college friends of mine and they introduced me to my wife.  I last blogged about them here.  Secondly, we visited the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture.

Earlier this summer, we binged The Bear's third season.  The first episode, entitled "Tomorrow," is a video montage of Carmy's personal history in the culinary industry.  In one of the vignettes, we see him in the garden at Noma in Copenhagen, considered one of the greatest restaurants in the world.  Noma is famous for many things including the fact that many of its ingredients are grown onsite.  Watching this scene, our child said simply, "That's it.  That's what I want to do."

Food and agriculture are not new interests.  They have worked on a farm each of the past three summers, moving into kitchen staff this year, helping prepare lunch for the 80+ farm crew workers everyday.  This pairs nicely with their Environmental Science and Policy major, focusing on plants.  Seeing all of their interests coming into synthesis on the screen was profound.

Farm-to-table is, of course, a growing trend for restaurants nationwide (also worldwide perhaps?).  The Noma arrangement of growing onsite is more unusual but not unique.  The Stone Barns Center, an agriculture research center on what was once an 80-acre Rockefeller estate, has a partnership with Blue Hill at Stone Barns, a two-Michelin-star restaurant, also on the estate.  We went for lunch and a tour.  Actually, only wife and child went on the tour, featuring the farm's potato research.  Tickets are pricey so I took the self-guided option myself.  

The grounds are predictably beautiful and the farm works impressive.  It reminded me of Shelburne Farms in Vermont, 1,400 acres of Vanderbilt land in its own right.  While much of the research is in direct service to the restaurant, Stone Barns also partners with universities.  The potato project, for instance, is in conjunction with Cornell.  

Worth noting, this isn't exactly food for the masses.  Our lovely lunch (photo above) was only $40 for each of us, not a terrible price at all for the quality.  Dinner at Blue Hill, on the other hand, is more in the $300/head range.  I expect our child's altruistic nature might ultimately lead them in another direction but they were impressed.  

Back to our friends...

The last time we saw them, their daughter was just beginning the college search.  Now, the decision is made and they're off to school soon.  Fortunately for us, her college is only 16 miles from our child's.  So, we may have opportunities to gather in western Massachusetts from time to time.