Memorial Day marks the beginning of hiking season in Vermont and we have renewed our quest to hike the entirety of Vermont's Long Trail. Today was our first-of-the-season, let's-see-where-we-are hike, a manageable trek from last year that would serve as a good measure of our capabilities for the coming summer. Following is My Wife's write-up from her blog:
Hike #8 - Sunset Ledge Redux
A few more photos for your enjoyment:
I've always been fascinated by lichens, ever since I first learned what they were in seventh grade science. And I'll bet Ms. Reid didn't think I was paying attention!
Evidence of mud:
A few things to remember for next time:
- bug spray for Our Girl
- cell phone
- dry socks for everyone
- a dry T-shirt for me for the end of the hike (I had a long-sleeved to change into, but it would be nice to have a choice)
- hats for everyone
- a belt for me - the plumber look is not in style on the trail
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