Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Squid Mixes: Strawberry Basil Martini

Our child recently turned 21 years old, legal drinking age in the United States.  Regular readers will probably not be the least bit surprised to know that I've been thinking about the first cocktail I'm going to make for them for a long time.  This summer, in particular, I paid close attention to the non-alcoholic beverages they gravitate towards.  And I asked them loads of questions, of course.  

Gradually, a flavor profile took shape.  They like fruit, preferably paired with an herb.  By the end of the summer, we both reached the same conclusion for the ideal combination: strawberry and basil.

I found a recipe by Judy at I'm Bored Let's Go.  A Strawberry Basil Martini combines strawberries, basil leaves, vodka, lemon juice, club soda and simple syrup.  Vodka seemed like the best base liquor for this first cocktail - minimal flavor interference.

Unfortunately, the kid goes to college out of state so it's going to be a while before I'll be able to make one for them.  On the bright side, my wife and I get to test the recipe.  Round 1...

First, I was pleased with the color.  I was worried it wouldn't turn out red enough without an artificial boost.  Not only were they fine but it felt like the correct red - a true strawberry red and the tiny flecks of basil that make it through the strainer bring the correct leafy green.

The basil flavor came through nicely and I love the tartness from the lemon juice.  We agreed that the berries could shine more.  So, for Round 2...

I added a couple more berries than the recipe calls for along with two pinches of sugar before muddling the strawberries and basil leaves.  By the way, muddling strawberries is highly satisfying.  Anyway, the additions successfully enhanced both color and flavor.  

I think it's ready.  I hope they like it.  I'll report back after Thanksgiving.


  1. Is that the same Kitty from years back. I always thought she was lovely.

  2. Em Portugal, é legal servir o álcool mais cedo, a partir dos 18 anos. Julgo mais correta a lei dos USA.
    O consumo de álcool é uma questão que deve preocupar todos.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

  3. Hello, here in Portugal young people start drinking alcohol much earlier, especially beer, not exquisite cocktails like that, which btw must be delicious! I look forward to round 3 eheheh! Hugs!
