Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Clone Wars: Fugitive

Andrew Leon and I are watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars.  Every Tuesday, we will be featuring an episode from the series which began in 2008.

Episode: "Fugitive"
Series: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
The Lost Missions (Season Six), Episode 3
Original Air Date: February 15, 2014
via Wookieepedia
Fives and his medical droid conspirator AZI-3 continue to dig for the truth in this, the third of a strong four-part arc.  Last week, the two removed a tumor from the brain of Tup, a clone trooper who had gone berzerk and killed a Jedi during a battle.  Tup subsequently died.  Fives was arrested.  This week, he escapes custody and springs AZI, too.  Snooping around the Kamino labs, they find that Tup, Fives and in fact all clones are implanted with an inhibitor chip, purpose unknown - at least to them.  Along the way there are enlightening and uncomfortable arguments between Nala Se and Shaak Ti over whether the clones "belong" to the Kaminoans or the Republic.
via Wookieepedia
AZI-3 is short for AZI-345211896246498721347.  The full designation comes up in a discussion between the medical droid and Fives (aka ARC-5555) about whether the numbers are demeaning to the clones or the droids.  This arc marks AZI-3's only appearance in the series.  He has quite a number of talents that come in handy in this episode.  In addition to being an expert surgeon, he doubles as a jet ski.  He is voiced by Ben Diskin.

Next week: "Orders."


  1. Great post!
    Have a nice day!
    Gil Zetbase

  2. Fives didn't like the idea of having his mind erased, hehe understandable init? Its neat how you can watch these for free on youtube.

    1. It certainly is understandable. Just as troubling would be the realization of being so thoroughly manipulated from conception.

  3. The jet ski bit is still not my favorite, but I guess they needed a quick solution, so I'll give it a pass. I mean, it really is the only hiccup in the arc.

    1. Fives swimming all the way back really wouldn't have been more believable.
