Monday, July 22, 2024

On the Coffee Table: Yani Hu

Title: Udon Noodle Soup: Little Tales for Little Things
Writer and Artist: Yani Hu

via Amazon

Udon Noodle Soup is a graphic-novel collection of short stories by Chinese-born creator Yani Hu.  As clearly indicated by the subtitle, the subjects are the simple objects that connect people in a life: the flavor of a soup, the warmth of a hand-knit sweater, a used toothbrush, a thoughtful gift, a soccer jersey.  

I was born a sentimental old fool so stories like these tug at me.  I don't let go of anything or anyone easily.  Held onto tchotchkes for way too long because they remind me of people?  Yes, I've done that.  Remembered old friends decades past the point when they've likely and understandably forgotten all about me?  All the time.  There are morals in Hu's tales, too, reminders of how cruel we can be to those who are unexpectedly generous.  It's easy to feel sorry for oneself in life - put upon, even victimized.  It's important to remember the moments we've been on the receiving end of more kindness than we've deserved.

Udon Noodle Soup is a soothing, quick read with beautiful, manga-style artwork.  It's Hu's first work in English.  I'll keep an eye out for more.


  1. Hello
    Very interesting reading, I'm also disappointed that I'm good to my friends and they're not that good to me!

    1. Absolutely. What's interesting about these stories is that they're more likely told from the perspective of the ungrateful recipient of kindness, and the regret felt later over damage done to relationships as a result. It's easy - especially in narrative - to take the moral high ground. The opposite is more challenging.
