Friday, July 19, 2024

Star Trek: Prime Factors

Episode: "Prime Factors"
Series: Star Trek: Voyager
Season 1, Episode 10
Original Air Date: March 20, 1995

The Sikarians, famous for their hospitality, welcome the Voyager crew to their beautiful planet.  Gathorel Labin, their handsome magistrate, takes a particular shine to Captain Janeway.  Matters quickly become complicated when Ensign Kim, who experiences his own quasi-romance, discovers their hosts possess a technology which could get our heroes halfway home.  Unfortunately, the Skiarians, so generous in every other area, are reluctant to share in this case.  It would seem they have their own prime directive.

"Prime Factors" is a strong episode.  The shoe is on the other foot in this Prime Directive scenario, in itself a welcome Trek twist.  Once news of the "space folding" tech and the diplomatic complications spreads to the crew, the back channel scheming begins.  The desire to get home weighs heavily against loyalty to the Captain and it's not just the former Maquis who are conflicted.  Relationships are tested and for narrative considerations, that's a good thing.  It remains to be seen whether there will be long-term ramifications.

Needless to say, the shortcut doesn't work out.  I'm finding, at least so far, that the most effective episodes are the ones that push hardest on the far from home anxieties.

Acting Notes

via Memory Beta

Garrett Wang (Harry Kim) was born in Riverside, California, December 15, 1968.  His family moved around quite a lot, first to Indiana, then to Bermuda, then to Memphis and finally back to California.  He graduated from UCLA with a degree in Asian Studies.

Wang's parents were dead set against him pursuing a career in acting.  He made a deal with them.  He would give it a go for two years and quit if it didn't work out.  They agreed.  A year-and-a-half later, he got the part on Voyager.  

Wang's resume is pretty slim compared to his regular cast colleagues.  This speaks to the reality of the industry.  Opportunities for an actor of Asian descent, even one who attains a significant level of early success, are severely limited.  Apart from a few commercials, his only paid job before Star Trek was a guest appearance on All-American Girl.  Films since include Ivory Tower, Demon Island and Unbelievable!!!  He has made guest appearances on Into the West and American Dad!  


  1. It's got tremendous fallout, rest assured. You'll see it this season, next season, the third season. Then things go Borg.

    1. I have actually watched most of Voyager before so I know a little about what's coming.
