Friday, July 5, 2024

Star Trek: Visionary

Episode: "Visionary"
Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Season 3, Episode 17
Original Air Date: February 27, 1995

Due to radiation poisoning, O'Brien is experiencing time jumps five hours into the future and back.  Meanwhile, a Romulan delegation has arrived.  They're none too happy about the lack of intelligence available regarding the Dominion.

Once again, I roll my eyes over time travel in Star Trek.  I don't even see the point this time.  Some on the creative staff thought it was too much like a technobabble heavy NextGen episode.  Actually, I don't have any trouble with the basic Romulans-up-to-no-good story itself.  In fact, I think the same tale could have been told more effectively without the time shifting garbage.  And the wrinkle at the end where one can't even be sure if the Miles still alive is the "right Miles" is unnecessary nonsense.

As ever, there are redeeming elements.  The Miles/Julian darts "rivalry" begins when the board is put up in the bar.  Quark closing his eyes and hurling all three darts simultaneously is definitely funny.  The bar brawl involving Klingons and Romulans is good value.  We get a brief continuation of the Odo Crush on Kira story.  There's decent character development, particularly for Miles, of course.  So, there's 5-10 minutes of quality material sprinkled through the mess.  

Acting Notes

Jack Shearer played the role of Ruwon, the leader of the Romulan delegation.  Shearer was born March 21, 1994.  "Visionary" was his second of six Star Trek appearances.  In First Contact, he played Admiral Hayes, a role he would reprise for two episodes of Voyager.

Other films include The Usual Suspects and Senseless.  Television appearances include Ally McBeal, Malcolm in the Middle and Boston Legal.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    I don't think that actor was born in 1994! I saw Allie Mcbeal, it was so funny! I like time travel, I'm always doing it on my blog! Have a nice weekend!
