Public League: 5th out of 12
My Player of the Week: Ryan Braun (Left Fielder, Brewers) with 3 home runs, 9 RBI, 9 runs, 1 stolen base and a .480 batting average
Photo via Behind Blondie Park
Energy has settled a bit in the private league with Mock & Co. There was a lot of online banter during the first two weeks of the season but the past week was pretty quiet. Of course, it was also school vacation week in Vermont last week which might have been a factor. In theory, I would think that a head-to-head format would encourage a more social atmosphere in general. It definitely worked in the early going. We shall see about the impact over the course of the long season.
Braun was my top draft pick in the public league, delightfully still available to me with the last pick of the first round. This past week, he was the best player in fantasy baseball and a major factor in my surge from 7th place to 5th. Braun was the first Jewish player to be named Rookie of the Year, winning the National League award in 2007.
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